Meet Your Tribe

Put faces to names and get to know your Tribe!


Say Hello to the Leadership Team


Jason Khourey

Chief Technology Officer

Scott Atkinson

Chief Executive Officer

Jim Cantor

Chief Operations Officer

Nick Beaugeard

Chief Software Architect

Lester Bunda

Tribe Leader

Meet Jason Khourey


Jason developed a passion for the IT industry right from the start where he soon joined Netforce in 2000 with Scott and Jim. He worked in various small and large MSPs over the proceeding years and came to realize that the IT industry was not only consolidating but moving in the direction of creating silos between the various IT functions. This was leading to a decline in the client experience and a less enjoyable workplace for IT Staff.

Jason felt that both clients and staff would be given a better experience if the company was organised into smaller ”tribes”. These groups would consist of a group of diverse IT workers who focused on client outcomes rather than having isolated departments working on one thing.

This philosophy led to the creation of TribeTech in 2018. Jason leveraged his contacts early on, finding like-minded people to really get TribeTech moving in the right direction.

Meet Scott Atkinson


After university, Scott dove straight into the IT industry by working at IBM. Five years later, he left to co-found an IT consulting company, Netforce. Their first IT Managed Services agreement was signed in 1999, where Netforce proceeded to grow and was then sold to Dimension Data in 2010.

In 2014, Scott joined BigAir (ASX:BGL) to help establish and grow the Cloud and Managed Services side of the business.

Scott joined TribeTech in 2018 to build a ‘modern MSP’ using the learnings of the last 20 years about what to do (and what not to do). Scott is currently busy fulfilling TribeTech’s growth ambitions.

Scott is actively involved with Streetwork, a not-for-profit that mentor’s vulnerable young people to help them turn their lives around.

Scott has a Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Science (Computing) from QUT and an Executive MBA from AGSM/UNSW.

Meet Jim Cantor


Jim entered the IT industry at Arthur Andersen in 1986, where he worked in Sydney, Singapore & Spain.

After 4 years, he moved to a merchant bank, Tri-Continental, and applied what he had learned. When the bank collapsed, he immediately found a job on a banking team at IBM. He met and started working closely with Scott, also at IBM.

2 years later, through a wild ride in the ‘90s, Jim and Scott formed Netforce together. Jim used his deep skills in Process Engineering to build the systems that enabled Netforce to grow. Netforce had 70 staff when sold to Dimension Data in 2010. Jim then worked directly with a small number of clients for several years before pursuing other adventures outside of IT.

Scott & Jason approached Jim to kick-start the building of processes into TribeTech. After 15 years at Netforce, they knew how they wanted to build a modern MSP and spent 6 months on the process before engaging clients.

Today, Jim continues to focus on processes within TribeTech and brings his depth of knowledge to our clients.

Jim has a Bachelor of Laws from Sydney University.

Meet Nick Beaugeard


Nick has been writing software since single digits.

He started working for major investment banks in the late 1990s, moved to Australia in 1998 and then worked for Microsoft as a part of the Windows Division in Redmond in 2000. After returning to Australia, Nick founded Bellerophon Group which he sold to Dimension Data in 2005.

After a tenure running solutions worldwide for Dimension Data, Nick founded HubOne, writing software in the cloud for accounting firms.

Nick has won several awards for software development and has been Chair and Vice-Chair of the CompTIA Australia and New Zealand Community.

Nick runs the software development team at TribeTech and helps customers use their technology to enhance their business. The TribeTech development team focuses on cutting edge software.

Meet Lester Bunda


Lester's passion for IT started in year/grade 4 when he coded his first computer program on a Commodore64.

After leaving University, he joined multiple organisations, taking on roles that added to both his technical and management experience, including:

  • Head of the Microsoft Systems Department in a VAR

  • A Senior Communications Engineer role in an ISP

  • A Senior Engineer and Customer Support Manager roles at Trend Micro, Inc.

  • A Practice Associate at a mid-sized Architect/Engineering Practice in Dubai

In 2017, Lester joined BigAir (ASX:BGL) where he met Scott and Jason in the Cloud and Managed Services division.

Lester joined TribeTech in 2019, with the ambition to help make TribeTech grow and establish a Service Delivery Team that is a cut above the rest.