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    4 min read

    Why Non-Profits Need Managed Services In Sydney

    Working for a non-profit organisation means you'll likely find yourself getting involved in every department. From arranging fundraisers to managing finances and handling marketing, you'll wear many hats, meaning you can reach a point where you focus more on operational tasks than pursuing your mission. 

    But don't panic, you won't be stuck in the loophole forever. There are proven ways to ease the burden of keeping everything ticking over smoothly in the background - and that starts with our managed IT services in Sydney. 

    6 Reasons To Choose Managed IT Services 

    With decades of experience in the industry, we recognise the immense impact that streamlined IT operations can have on any organisation, regardless of scale. Managed services are more than simply implementing new technology; they focus on security, performance, repairs, updates and more - all components that can help your non-profit to grow and adapt to an ever-changing society. 

    So, whether you're new to managed IT services or looking for new technology to support your expanding organisation, here are just some of the benefits you can take advantage of:  

    Improve Data Management

    As a non-profit, you will be receiving, handling and storing what feels like endless data, especially when it comes to donors. From tracking incoming donations to distributing money to different campaigns, ensuring that you have the right systems in place to efficiently manage all data is essential.  

    Through managed IT services, not only can you secure and back up all data and donations, but you can track and analyse your information. This allows you to create reports to showcase how contributions have been spent - perfect for both attracting and retaining donors. Transparent data management processes will also ensure that your organisation stays compliant, and you can maintain your non-profit status.  

    Enhance IT Security

    While our reliance on the digital world provides us with countless opportunities, it does mean that cybercriminals have become more alert than ever.

    As mentioned above, non-profits are one of the most data-rich organisation types, whether it be sensitive personal information or donor bank details. And although all organisations do have some form of IT security in place, more is needed to secure this confidential data. 

    At TribeTech, we work closely with non-profits to create a tailored strategy to meet their security needs, using the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACS) framework as a foundation. This will not only protect your organisation against attacks but also highlight vulnerabilities and provide solutions before hackers spot them.  

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    Future-Proof Your Organisation

    In any organisation, future-proofing your processes is key. Perhaps your fundraising activities change from season to season, or you have just secured new funding to grow. In that case, your organisation needs to be able to adapt and evolve without disrupting daily operations. This is where the scalability of managed IT services comes in.  

    Your package can easily scale up or down based on your current requirements, whether you need to create access logins for hundreds of new volunteers or invest in new technology to roll out a campaign, for example. You will always be prepared to overcome any new hurdles that may creep up in the future.  

    Leverage Technical Experience

    Employing a full-time technical team is rarely a priority in a non-profit organisation. Why? Because there are so many other teams that take the lead, from administration and communications to finance and fundraising. This means that technical fault-finding and innovation are often left behind.  

    With managed IT services, on the other hand, you will have access to a whole pool of experienced, knowledgeable IT specialists. They will take care of every aspect of your IT operations, including repairs, maintenance and upgrades - they will even analyse your current systems and recommend new technology to improve efficiency and productivity. And, if a problem arises, you will always have the peace of mind that an expert is just a phone call away.  

    maximise Flexibility & Productivity

    One component of managed IT services that is not always considered is the implementation of cloud solutions. The cloud has been pivotal in the transition to remote working; it allows your organisation to continue operations as usual from anywhere, at any time and on any device.  

    As many of your volunteers are likely to be helping alongside their full-time job, this gives them the freedom to carry out their role from the comfort of their homes or even on their daily commute. They will be able to access and process donations, raise awareness for fundraising activities and keep your channels updated with zero fuss.  

    Part of your managed services agreement will also be the security of your remote system platforms. Unique logins, multi-factor authentication and virtual private networks can all be set up to protect your data while your volunteers access your system on the go.  

    Consistent Costs & Budgeting

    Unlike for-profit businesses, non-profit organisations cannot guarantee a steady cash income from month to month. This means that consistent overheads are essential.  

    Without the technical expertise of a third-party service provider, you may find yourself investing in technology but not taking full advantage of its features or being persuaded into purchasing a more expensive solution than necessary. Costs can quickly snowball and become unpredictable - something all organisations want to avoid facing. 

    Much like any of our solutions, our managed IT services are tailored exclusively to your budget. We will consider your current processes, along with your software and hardware needs, to create a package with a manageable fixed monthly fee. This gives you a clear understanding of technology costs, allowing you to allocate more money to fundraising. 

    Free Up Valuable Time with Managed IT Services

    Investing in managed IT services takes the time and hassle out of implementing, managing and upgrading your technology. You will have the freedom to delegate your entire IT operations to the capable hands of industry experts, freeing up valuable time that you can reinvest into fulfilling your mission.  

    With this in mind, if you are a non-profit organisation ready to take your technology to the next level, do not hesitate to contact TribeTech. Our dedicated teams of tribes will work closely with you to ensure that your processes continue to run smoothly and every aspect of your IT operations works towards supporting your cause.  

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