Welcome to the WineDown

Tune into the WineDown, a video series where our tribe dives deeper into the latest technology trends and how they apply to your business, over a bottle of wine.



Everything You Need To Know About 5G Mobile Network

Episode 60

In this episode of the Winedown, Scott and Nick discuss the 5G Mobile network. They discuss how it works, what coverage is there, and how...

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Is It Time To Ditch Your Home And Office Phone?

Episode 53

In this episode, Scott and Nick discuss if you can ditch the home and office phone today. Listen if you'd like to know the stats on phones...

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Do I Need Servers And Cabling In My Office Or Wifi And SaaS?

Episode 34

In this episode, Scott and Nick discuss whether you need servers and cabling in your office or Wifi and SaaS.

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Taking A Look At The "Modern Office"

Episode 12

In this video, Scott and Nick discuss The Modern Office and what modern technology should look like. Whether you're working from home or...

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Episode 10

Join Scott and Nick as they discuss Firewalls and add a new Segment, News where they discuss the recent Office 365 Outage, Jobs in IT over...

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